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The Newly Discovered Sense of Touch!


Recommended for Middle Grades

In the realm of scientific exploration, the human body remains a source of endless fascination. A groundbreaking discovery by researchers at Imperial College London has shed new light on our sense of touch.

Their findings reveal that not only our skin but also our hair plays a crucial role in perceiving light touches. This insight marks a significant shift in our understanding of sensory perception.

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Key Facts

  • Previously, it was believed that only skin nerves could detect light touches. However, the researchers found that hair follicles, the small parts from which hair grows, have the ability to sense light touches as well.
    • Hair follicles are equipped to feel touches, similar to skin, broadening our understanding of the sense of touch.
  • Method of Discovery: 
    • The team used RNA sequencing on the ORS of hair follicles and found it has more touch-sensitive parts than the skin.
    • They demonstrated that when hair follicle cells are touched, they cause a reaction in nerve cells, confirming that hair contributes to our sense of touch.
  • Process of Sensing Touch Through Hair:
    • Hair follicles send signals to nerve cells when touched, which in turn communicate with the brain, allowing us to perceive light touches with a sense of precision.

Skin and Hair Sensing

  • The skin contains mechanoreceptors that detect touch, playing a role in conjunction with hair in sensing light touches.
  • Hair cells use different signal mechanisms compared to skin cells, highlighting the unique role of hair in our sense of touch.
  • Future Research Directions:
    • The team is investigating why hair follicles can sense touch and what other roles they might play in sensory perception.
    • his discovery could lead to better treatments for skin conditions by understanding how hair follicles affect skin health.


A study from Imperial College London redefines our understanding of touch. It suggests hair has a functional role beyond cosmetics in how we sense our surroundings. This breakthrough deepens our grasp of the human body and opens doors to further exploration, uncovering more secrets about touch and overall well-being.

As we probe further into our body’s mysteries, each discovery promises a better understanding of ourselves and our connection with the world.

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