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Image depicting Top Natural Calamities In 2022!

Top Natural Calamities In 2022!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Many devastating natural disasters, such as earthquakes, flash floods, and blizzard storms, occurred in 2022. The resilience of the human spirit shone through as people pulled together to weather the storms.

Here’s a Curious Times 2022 Round-Up of some of the biggest natural calamities in 2022.

Top Natural Calamities In 2022!

US east braces for a winter storm

The United States was hit by a snowstorm that was moving east. Tornadoes formed as a result of the storm, and snow fell in other states. Blizzard-like conditions forced the closure of roadways and educational institutions, and some areas reportedly received 4 feet of snow.

Earthquake jolts an Indonesian island

An earthquake struck the largest island in Indonesia, causing hundreds of casualties. The United States Geological Survey assigned a magnitude of 5.6 on a scale from 1-10. As a result, the city of Cianjur in West Java was struck at a relatively shallow depth of 10 km.

Typhoon Noru batters Vietnam

The popular Vietnamese resort was devastated by Typhoon Noru as it was passing nearby. The storm was accompanied by high winds and heavy precipitation. Moreover, tens of thousands of people were compelled to abandon their houses. More than 100,000 families, or more than 400,000 individuals, had to relocate, according to state officials.

Typhoon Nanmadol pounds Japan

Typhoon Nanmadol wreaked havoc on Japan. Many were harmed when the southern island of Kyushu was struck by Typhoon Nanmadol. According to meteorologists, the typhoon knocked off electricity to almost 140,000 residences. After the storm crossed a huge portion of the country and headed out to sea, it was promoted to a cyclone.

Nearly one-third of Pakistan was flooded

Pakistan was hit by catastrophic floods. The country needs more than $10 billion in aid to repair and replace its ageing infrastructure. About 110 of the city’s 150 districts were impacted by the flooding. Since the floods began, over 1,100 people have been treated for injuries sustained in the disaster. In order to help with the issue, the IMF has provided a loan.

Wildfires and heatwaves scorched Europe & USA

Europe and the United States were hit by devastating wildfires and heat waves. As record-breaking heat waves swept over southern Europe, so did raging wildfires. As a result, many people in Italy and Greece were uprooted. Climate change caused severe and frequent heat waves.

Arunachal avalanche – Kameng sector

An avalanche in the Kameng sector of Arunachal Pradesh claimed the lives of seven brave soldiers from the Indian Army. The military personnel were out on a normal patrol when they became stranded due to the inclement weather conditions.

Tonga – Volcanic Eruption + Tsunami (Unhappy Hours)

Tonga was rocked by a Tsunami. An underwater volcanic eruption caused the Tsunami. Immediately the island was cut off from the rest of the world. Nevertheless, surveillance and satellite images provided much-needed information on the scale of devastation.


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