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Ukrainian fencer’s brave victory!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, little champs! We have a super exciting and funny story for you today about a brave and talented Ukrainian fencer named Olha Kharlan. So, one day, she had this really important and historic fencing match with a Russian fencer called Anna Smirnova.

So, in fencing, you get points by touching your opponent with your sword. If you touch them on their body, you earn a point. But you must do it safely and following the rules. The person with more points at the end wins the match!

Now, here’s the thing – for a while, there was a rule in Ukraine that said their athletes couldn’t compete against Russians or Belarusians who were playing as “neutrals.” But guess what? Just a day before Olha’s big match, the sports ministry changed that rule! Hooray!

Fencing Ninja: Olha’s Historic Match & Funny Handshake!

  • Olha was super pumped because she became the very first athlete from Ukraine to face a Russian or Belarusian opponent since Russia’s invasion. That’s a really big deal, you know!
  • Now, Olha is not just any fencer; she’s a four-time world champion in sabre fencing. And she is super serious about her sport! She really wanted to win this match and make her country proud.
  • When the match started, Olha showed off her amazing skills and completely outclassed Anna Smirnova. It was like she had some secret sword moves up her sleeve! But here’s where things got really funny – after the match, Olha did something unexpected.
  • Remember how we usually shake hands and say “good game” after a match? Well, Olha, in her comical style, decided not to shake hands with Anna. She didn’t even acknowledge her opponent! Can you imagine that? It was like a fencing ninja move!
  • Olha was so focused on her win and probably felt a bit emotional because of the whole situation with Ukraine and Russia. She had this promise she made in an interview earlier, where she said she wouldn’t shake hands with a Russian opponent. And guess what? She stuck to her promise!
  • But you know what’s really sweet? Olha had a big group of Ukrainian teammates cheering her on during the match. They were shouting “Slava Ukraini,” which means “Glory to Ukraine!” That’s how much they love and support her.
  • Anna Smirnova, on the other hand, was not too happy about losing and the funny handshake situation. She was really mad and stayed sitting on her chair for a whole ten minutes after the match! Can you believe it?
  • Now, here’s something interesting – even Ukrainian tennis players have been facing Russians and Belarusians in matches since the invasion. But they’ve been playing as individuals, not representing their country, and they also avoided shaking hands with their opponents. It’s like they’re saying, “No handshakes until things get better!”
  • So, there you have it, my little friends! Olha Kharlan, the super talented fencer, won a historic match, but she did it with a touch of humor and a lot of emotion. She’s hoping to win the Olympic gold next year too! Isn’t that amazing?
  • Remember, even in serious situations, we can find funny and sensitive ways to show how we feel. And most importantly, we should always cheer for our friends and teammates, just like the Ukrainian delegation did for Olha. Keep spreading joy and kindness wherever you go!

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