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Image depicting US eases work visas for international students!

US eases work visas for international students!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! Guess what? The United States (US) has some exciting news for international students! They’ve made it easier for certain students to get a work visa. But what’s a work visa? Well, it’s like a special permission slip that lets you work in another country for a while.

STEM Students: Visa Boost!

  • The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency is the one that made this awesome announcement. They’re the ones in charge of processing applications for people who want to live and work in the US permanently.
  • Now, here’s the fun part! This announcement specifically affects international students who are studying subjects like Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). That’s some cool stuff, right? It means that students who are focusing on these areas will get extra attention when they apply for a work visa.
  • And guess who might benefit from this? You got it – Indian students! They’re the ones who applied to study in the US in these STEM fields, so this news is especially exciting for them.
  • So, what does all this mean? Well, the US government wants to make it easier for these international students to work in the country after they finish their studies. They believe that these students have a lot to offer and can make a positive impact on the US economy and society.
  • The US government also wants to make the whole visa application process smoother and faster. They’re going to start processing the applications faster, which means less waiting time for the students. They’re even making it easier to apply online, so it’s more convenient for everyone involved.
  • All in all, it’s a pretty awesome announcement! International students studying STEM subjects in the US now have a better chance of getting a work visa. This means they can stay and work in the US after they graduate, making a valuable contribution to the country. So, if you’re a student who loves science, technology, engineering, or math, the US might just be the place for you in the future! How cool is that?

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