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Image depicting US nuclear-powered spacecraft in 2027!

US nuclear-powered spacecraft in 2027!


Recommended for Middle Grades

The United States plans to conduct nuclear-powered spacecraft testing by 2027.

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) plans to demonstrate more effective methods of sending astronauts to Mars in the future. Thus they plan to test a spacecraft engine powered by nuclear fission by the year 2027.

What is nuclear fission?

Nuclear fission is the splitting of an atom’s nucleus into two smaller nuclei, called daughter nuclei.

Key facts!

  • According to NASA experts, they have spent a lot of time researching the idea of nuclear thermal propulsion.
  • This involves combining the heat produced by a nuclear fission reactor with a hydrogen propellant.
  • In order to generate a thrust that is thought to be significantly more effective than that produced by conventional chemical-based rocket engines.
  • Officials from NASA believe that using nuclear thermal propulsion will be necessary in order to transport humanity beyond the moon and further into space.
  • Officials also believe that if we have swifter travels for humans, they are safer trips.
  • According to engineers, a trip to Mars from Earth using nuclear-powered technology may take approximately four months.
  • Whereas the trip would take approximately nine months using a conventional engine driven by chemical fuel.
  • Thus, this would cut down significantly on the amount of time astronauts spend in deep space.
  • In addition, it would also cut down on the number of supplies.
  • This includes food and other cargo, that would need to be brought along on the journey to Mars.
  • The US Space Force has also envisioned deploying nuclear reactor-powered spacecraft.
  • These spacecraft would be capable of moving other satellites into orbit near the moon.

Watch a video

A short animation that shows how nuclear fuel is used to make electricity.

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