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Vistara and Air India merge!


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Tata Sons have said that Air India and Vistara will be combined into a single airline. Singapore Airlines will have a 25.1% stake in the new company.

As part of the deal, Singapore Airlines (SIA) will invest more than 2,000 crores in Air India, according to news reports.

Air India, Vistara, AirAsia India, and Air India Express will all be part of the bigger Air India group. All of the airlines are expected to merge into one company by March 2024.

This depends on whether or not the merger is approved by the government agencies in charge of such things.

Key reasons why airlines merge?

  • Due to the industry’s difficult previous several years, many of the world’s top airlines are combining their operations.
  • Mergers are also regarded as the quickest way for airlines to minimise costs while preserving a competitive advantage.
  • In addition to flying, airlines incur administrative tasks, aircraft support services, etc.
  • Combining these two operations nearly halves their costs.

Key facts!

  • The process of combining Air India Express and AirAsia India into a single company that will offer affordable flights.
  • Singapore Airlines and Tata have both stated that they are willing to help fund the growth and operations of an expanded Air India by putting in any extra money that may be needed.
  • The merger hopes to make it easier for SIA to do business in India.
  • As a result of this merger, Singapore Airlines will be able to work more closely with the Tata Group.
  • And be a part of the growth of the Indian aviation market.
  • Air India is evolving, and as part of this process, the company’s main focus is on expanding both its network and its fleet.
  • In addition to modernising its customer offering, and improving its safety, reliability, and on-time performance.

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