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Image depicting Wally the wandering walrus spotted in Iceland

Wally the wandering walrus spotted in Iceland


Recommended for Foundational Grades

We have read about Wally the wandering walrus before.

Wally is a walrus that swum thousands of kilometres to reach Wales (in the UK) from the Arctic. Since arriving in Wales, Wally became very famous. He also travelled to England, France, and Ireland too. People have seen it swimming around, showing off its belly and even waving to cameras.

Now after 22 days of being “missing”, people have spotted Wally the wandering walrus in Iceland. They were able to identify him from the scars he has on both his front flippers.

Wildlife rescue people are delighted that he’s not only still alive and well, but he is on his way home. back to the Arctic. Walruses are usually found in the Arctic Ocean.


Wally the wandering walrus is thought to be about four years old. Throughout his long journey from and back to the Arctic, he has become very famous. We hope he continues to be healthy and adventurous always.


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Comments: 1
  1. StrawberryJam2012 says:

    hi my name is Iniya and i have not seen news about wally the walrus but any way good news!

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