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Image depicting Groundwater Use Hurts Earth's Spin: Scientists Warn!

Groundwater Use Hurts Earth’s Spin: Scientists Warn!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there, kiddo! Did you know that humans can even affect the way the Earth spins? It’s true! Scientists have discovered that when we pump groundwater out of the Earth and move it to other places, it can make the Earth’s axis tilt a little to the east. Imagine the Earth being like a wobbly spinning top!

Groundwater’s Impact

  • In a study, scientists found that a whopping 2,150 billion tonnes of groundwater have been pumped out and drained into the oceans. That’s a whole lot of water! And you know what? It’s also one of the big reasons why the sea level is rising around the world. So, we’re making the Earth wobble and the oceans rise. Oopsie!
  • You see, the Earth’s axis is the point around which the planet spins. But unlike a globe that stays in one place, the Earth’s axis moves a bit. It’s like the Earth is doing a little dance every year! Weather, seasons, the molten core, and even strong hurricanes can make it wobble. Silly Earth!
  • Scientists have known for a while that water movement affects the Earth’s rotation. They’ve studied how water around the world contributes to the Earth’s wobble. But guess what? They never thought about groundwater before!
  • To solve this mystery, a group of clever scientists used a climate model to figure out how groundwater affects the Earth’s axis. They tried adding water from melting ice caps and glaciers, but it didn’t quite match up. Even reservoirs and dams didn’t make it work. It was only when they added groundwater to the equation that everything clicked into place. Ta-da!
  • Dr. Seo, one of the scientists, said he was glad to find out why the Earth’s axis moves, but also worried and surprised that pumping groundwater can make the sea level rise. It’s a bit like a magic trick, but with unintended consequences!
  • The scientists found that the location where we pump groundwater is important. It affects how much the Earth’s axis wanders. They discovered that pumping groundwater from midlatitude areas, like northwest India and western North America, had the biggest impact on the Earth’s wobble. Who knew water could be so mischievous?
  • During their study, they found out that between 1993 and 2010, enough groundwater was pumped out to raise the global sea level by 6.24 millimeters. That may not sound like a lot, but it adds up over time!
  • In India, there’s been a big problem with groundwater depletion. In the north, around 95% of the depletion happened because people use groundwater mostly for irrigation. Places like Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, and western Uttar Pradesh are struggling with critically low groundwater levels.
  • On the other hand, Rajasthan and Gujarat have low groundwater levels because they have a dry climate. Some areas in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh also have low groundwater due to the type of rocks underground.
  • So, you see, groundwater is more than just water under the ground. It has its own funny way of making the Earth dance and the oceans rise. We have to be careful and use it wisely, or else our planet might just do a never-ending spin!

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