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Robot – What’s in a word!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

What is a robot? A robot is a machine that is made to move on its own and do certain tasks by itself. It can look like a person, a fish, or even a simple machine.

We see movies about robots and read books and comics about them (like Doraemon). In real life, robots are used in space, homes, factories, and many other places.

Robot spider

Where does the word ‘robot’ come from?

  • It was made by Karel apek, a Czech novelist and journalist. In his 1920 hit play R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots), he used the word for the first time.
  • The word “robot” comes from the Czech word “robota,” which means “service” (forced labour). Robota was the name for the forced work or service that central European farm renters had to do for their landlords for a set amount of time.
  • In his play R.U.R., apek tells the story of a company that uses cutting-edge science to make workers (robots). They do all the jobs people didn’t want to do.
  • R.U.R. became very popular and inspired many science fiction writers, especially the famous Isaac Asimov and eventually the word ‘robot’ came into common use.

What is your favourite story about robots? Share with us!

Here is a video of some amazing robots.


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  1. Mr Manu Sharma says:

    I liked it
    by Aaradhya Sharma

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