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Whatsapp group call limit increases


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

In the new updated version of WhatsApp, the users can participate in the WhatsApp group calls with 32 participants. The messaging app will be releasing the new updates for Android and iOS in the next week.

What is WhatsApp?

WhatsApp is free to download messenger app for smartphones. It uses internet to send messages, images, audios and videos.

In a post on Facebook, Mark Zuckerburg announced the upcoming change in WhatsApp group calls. In his post, Zuckerburg announced new features of other products as well.

New features of WhatsApp

Mark Zuckerburg announced several new features along with WhatsApp group calls. Whatsapp is getting ready to introduce a lot of new features in the upcoming months. The new features are:

  • Reactions on messages
  • Increased size of the files
  • community functions
  • Voice message bubbles
  • Information screes for contacts and  groups
  • Increasing group call limit to 32 members

Mark Zuckerburg announced several new features along with WhatsApp group calls. Messenger Rooms launch is the main highlight of the new features. With the help of messenger rooms, the users will be able to communicate with approximately 50 people. The new version of WhatsApp for android v2.22.9.73 will bring in the new features. Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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