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Why clouds fly, not crash?


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hi, ever-curious wanderer! Have you ever looked up at the sky and seen those fluffy clouds? They can look like big feather canyons or even ice cream castles! But have you ever wondered why they seem to float up there? Let’s find out together!

Wonderful Whimsy: The Floating Clouds!

  • You see, those clouds are made up of tiny droplets of water and ice crystals. They form around specks of dust or salt, kind of like how raindrops form on a window when it’s rainy outside. And guess what? Those droplets are falling, but they’re falling really, really slowly, like how dust motes slowly fall in a sunny room. It’s because they’re so light that they don’t fall very fast at all.
  • But here’s the interesting part – even though they are falling, they seem to float in the sky! How does that happen? Well, there’s a sneaky trick going on up there. The rising air in the atmosphere keeps the droplets suspended, like a magical elevator holding them up. So, they are falling and rising at the same time, making it look like they’re floating.
  • You might wonder, “Why don’t they just fall down if they’re so light?” That’s because the updrafts of air pushing them up are just as strong as their slow fall. It’s like a dance between the air and the droplets, and they stay together in the cloud.
  • And guess what? Clouds are pretty mysterious too. They form when warm, moist air goes up high into the sky and cools down. The cooling air turns into those fluffy clouds we see. And some clouds can be really heavy, like a big thunderstorm cloud. It can weigh as much as 100 elephants! But don’t worry; most of them don’t have much water, just like a small cloud might only have a little bit of water in it.
  • So, next time you look up at the sky and see those amazing clouds, remember they might be falling, but they’re also floating high up there because of the air’s secret help. It’s like a silly magic trick of nature! Keep wondering and exploring, little friend! There’s so much more to discover about the world around us. Stay curious!

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