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Image depicting World Intellectual Property Day

World Intellectual Property Day!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

The United Nations’ World Intellectual Property Day is celebrated on April 26. It’s important to show how important intellectual property (IP) is and how it can help people be more creative and innovative. 

What is Intellectual Property?

It refers to the things that people come up with with their minds (IP). You can think of this as anything from inventions to literary and artistic works to logos to symbols to images used in business.

What is the goal of Intellectual Property System?

The goal of the intellectual property system is to make sure that inventors’ and the general public’s needs are kept in balance. 

Is Intellectual Property (IP) protected?

IP is protected by the law through things like patents, copyrights, and trademarks. These things let people get credit or money for what they make or invent, so they can get credit or money for it.

Significance of World Intellectual Property Day!

Many young people are taking on innovation challenges all over the world. They are using their energy and innovation, their imagination and creativity, and their energy and curiosity to help make the world a better place.

On World Intellectual Property Day day inventors, companies, and other people can talk about new technologies that could change the world and thus make people’s lives better. They also talk about how intellectual property rights could play a role in this.


This year, the World Intellectual Property Day 2022 theme is about Intellectual Property (IP). The focus is on young people who are coming up with new ideas for a better world. The day celebrates how these innovative, energetic, and creative people are making a positive difference.

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