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World Water Day!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

World Water Day – 22 March Water is the basis of all life – it has so many important uses. Did you know that there is a special day dedicated to water? It is World Water Day, celebrated on 22 March every year throughout the world.

What is World Water Day?

  • It is the day to focus on the importance of freshwater.
  • On this day, organisations and individuals promote awareness about the sustainable use and importance of freshwater resources.
  • Some sources of freshwater are groundwater, ice caps, ponds, lakes, rivers, streams etc.
  • The United Nations first observed World Day for Water in 1993.

How is it celebrated?

  • Every year the UN has a theme and 2023’s theme is “Accelerating the change to solve the water and sanitation crisis”.
  • World Water Day 2023 wants to help make sure everyone has clean water and a toilet.
  • The United Nations said many people and places like schools, businesses, and farms don’t have clean water or toilets.
  • We need to take action and do more than what we normally do to fix this problem.
  • In our daily lives, there are many, easy ways in which we can use water wisely and preserve it.
  • World Water Day happens once a year, but we can make every day a ‘water day’.

What do our young readers think about the importance of water? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.

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