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Image depicting Wow! Giant Waterfall of Fire on the Sun!

Wow! Giant Waterfall of Fire on the Sun!


Recommended for Middle Grades

The sun is a big ball of energy that has some really cool parts! Recently, someone took a picture of something called a polar crown prominence on the sun. It’s like a big waterfall made of hot gas that falls back into the sun because of magnets.

What is a polar crown prominence (PCP)?

A polar crown prominence (PCP) is a massive plasma waterfall that occurs near the sun’s magnetic poles.

Scientists are trying to understand how a polar crown prominence works and study it to make things better on Earth.

Key facts!

  • Scientists have taken a really cool picture of the sun.
  • They captured a massive wall of falling plasma called a polar crown prominence.
  • In other words, it’s like a big waterfall made of hot gas that falls back into the sun because of magnets.
  • Further, the plasma wall was 100,000 kilometres tall, which is as tall as eight piles of earth stacked on top of each other.
  • Even though the plasma is still contained within the magnetic field, it travels downwards at speeds of up to 36,000 kilometres per hour, which is super fast!
  • Scientists are trying to figure out how this is possible.
  • Importantly, they study solar prominences to learn more about the sun and how to make things better on Earth.
  • Polar crown prominences are very common, but pictures like this one are rare.

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