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Imag e depicting Brushes and Dreams: Miss Prashikha's Craft Odyssey

Prashikha’s Art Inspires Young Minds

Imag e depicting Brushes and Dreams: Miss Prashikha's Craft Odyssey

Prashikha’s Passion Shines Through!

As an editor at Curious Times, I’m always inspired to see how young people like Prashikha use their creativity to explore the world around them. Her submission, bursting with love for crafts and painting, truly captures the joy of making something with your own two hands.

Sparkling with Imagination

What I love most about Prashikha’s submission is how it reminds us that even the simplest things – paper, colors, a pinch of imagination – can be transformed into something extraordinary. Her art shows us that a splash of creativity can make the whole world bloom with beauty and wonder.

Stories Unfold on the Page

Don’t think of Prashikha’s drawings as just pretty pictures. They’re stories whispered in the language of lines and colors. With every swirl of her brush or vibrant doodle, she shares her unique view of the world. I wonder what other stories she hides within her imagination!

Celebrate the Joy of Making!

My advice to Prashikha? Keep that creative fire burning! Experiment with new materials, don’t be afraid of a few “happy accidents,” and most importantly, never lose that sense of fun and wonder while creating.

Sharing Your Spark

Thank you, Prashikha, for bravely sharing your artwork with Curious Times. By putting your creations out into the world, you sprinkle a little bit of your unique spark everywhere. Keep shining, keep creating, and keep inspiring us all!

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ME – My Expressions at Curious Times is your place to get your work published, building your quality digital footprint. And it is a good way to share your talent and skills with your friends, family, school, teachers and the world. Thus, as you will step into higher educational institutes your published content will showcase your strength.

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2, Delhi Public School Jankipuram Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

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