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Image depicting UAE Embraces Tamil Frequency!

UAE Embraces Tamil Frequency!

Welcome, curious mind! Let us tell you about two awesome radio stations in the UAE that have brought a lot of fun and happiness to the airwaves. These stations, 89.4 Tamil FM and Radio Gilli, have added a special Tamil flavor to the radio channels dominated by Malayalam and Hindi. It’s like adding a yummy topping to your favorite ice cream!

Tamil Radio Magic: UAE’s Melody

  • The story starts on a weekend morning in Dubai, where you turn on the radio, and the catchy and romantic “Kangal Irandal” song fills the air, making you hum along. A few hours later, you switch the station and hear the nostalgic “Pazhamuthir Cholai” song from the 1980s and 90s. These two cool radio stations have created a big change in the radio scene for Indian expats living in the UAE.
  • The first station, 89.4 Tamil FM, started in 2015, and the second one, Radio Gilli 106.5, began in 2017. But guess what? Even before these two stations, there were some other attempts to bring Tamil radio to the UAE. It’s like they were paving the way for the big change that was yet to come!
  • These radio stations have become super popular among the Tamil expats living and working in the UAE. Can you imagine how many of them are tuning in? Well, between 30,000 to 75,000 callers reach out to them every week! That’s a lot of people, right?
  • These Tamil radio stations have not only brought great music but also some fantastic RJ (radio jockey) shows that people love. RJ Bravo and RJ Nivedha are two awesome RJs who connect with the listeners in a special way. They talk about real-life experiences, childhood memories, and even exciting crime stories!
  • People in the UAE love these radio stations so much that they feel like family. They wait to meet their favorite RJs and even bring them chocolates and sweets! That’s the power of radio and the bond it creates between the RJs and their listeners.
  • So, no matter how far away from home you are, there’s always a piece of your culture and language waiting for you on the radio, making you feel happy and connected. Keep listening and smiling!

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Rahul Bhardwaj

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