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Top 10 Inventions of 2022!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

When compared to other years, 2022 stands out as an exceptional year in every respect. Nobody anticipated how unsettling it would be when all of these issues—conflict, rising prices, a lack of energy, and climate change—converged at the same moment. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, normal life had just recently started to pick up its previous pace by this time.

On the other hand, 2022 has already proven to be an innovative year in the field of technology. The following is a list of the most significant technological advancements of 2022, as compiled by the Curious Times.

Top 10 Innovations of 2022!

Headphones with air purification

The Dyson Zone is a new pair of headphones made by Dyson. These headphones have technologies that block out noise and clean the air. The noise-cancelling headphones will be the first of their kind to have technology built in that cleans the air around them.

Acoustic Fabric

A novel acoustic fabric, inspired by the human ear, turns audible sounds into electrical impulses. The fabric acts like a microphone and converts sound into vibration and electrical signals. At the fundamental level, this is pretty much how human ears work.

Flying Submarines

Chinese experts were able to test two submersible cross-media vehicles, which are often called “flying submarines.” These vehicles can go both underwater and into the air, where they can fly. These submarines can carry one kilogramme of weight. Also, they can dive to a depth of one hundred metres.

Ameca – The world’s most expressive robot

Ameca, a robot at the Museum of the Future in Dubai looks and acts very much like a person. The robot is built with a variety of facial expressions. It does things like a wink and scratches its nose. Ameca is run by a technology called Artificial Intelligence.

Robot firefighter

The Abu Dhabi Department of Civil Defense showed off a Thermite Robot. The firefighter robot can do the work of up to ten firefighters at the same time. The robot will be a huge help when it comes to putting out fires in high-risk areas. It has a faucet that can pump 2,500 gallons of water per minute. Authorities say that the most significant benefit of using this robot is that it can be replaced, even if it gets damaged in a fire.


Nano-Urea to help farmers, the economy, and the environment! A biotechnology researcher’s development of liquid urea has the potential to revolutionise Indian agriculture. Ramesh Raliya’s discovery of Nano-urea in liquid form could save India almost $40 billion in imports and subsidies for fertiliser.

Invisibility Cloak

Scientists have developed an invisibility cloak that hides good bacteria from the immune system. It enables them to reach undetected tumours. Scientists hope that the invisibility cloak will work better on humans. The cloaking system can be regulated dynamically. With the help of an invisibility cloak, scientists can regulate the time bacteria survive in human blood.


e-Skin’ could give robots “near-human levels” of touch sensitivity. It is based on how the nervous system of the human body works. This could pave the way for robots that can sense touch in the future.

Artificially Intelligent mouse

The first Artificially Intelligent mouse has a beating heart and what looks like the beginnings of a brain. The research builds on how one could imitate the development of a mouse embryo using stem cells that had never been inside a mouse’s womb.

Airless tyres

Airless tyres have a lot of potential because tyres are the only part of the car that makes contact with the road. The cost of a flat tyre directly results in losing time and money. Thus major tyre manufacturers are putting their money and best minds into the development of airless tyres.


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