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Image depicting Bollywood's Magical Reunion in Bangladesh Cinemas!

Bollywood’s Magical Reunion in Bangladesh Cinemas!


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In Bangladesh, something exciting was about to happen that hadn’t occurred in 50 long years. Cinemas, which were once an integral part of Bangladeshi social life, were about to regain their glory.

Shah Rukh Khan

It was the day when the highly anticipated Bollywood movie, “Pathaan,” featuring the renowned actor Shah Rukh Khan, was set to be released in Bangladesh.

On that day, people flocked to cinema halls in Dhaka, the capital city. The movie had already broken box office records in India when it premiered earlier that year. Shah Rukh Khan, with his immense popularity worldwide, had an army of devoted fans eagerly waiting to see him on the big screen.

Local film industry Struggle

However, it hadn’t always been like this. After gaining independence from Pakistan in 1971, Bangladesh had banned Indian films, despite India’s support during their independence war.

The local film industry struggled to compete with the glamour and grandeur of Bollywood, leading to a decline in Bangladeshi cinemas. Some theatres resorted to illegal activities, while over 1,000 cinemas had closed down in the past two decades, many of them converted into shopping centers or apartments.

Modhumita Cinema Hall

One such cinema hall, the Modhumita Cinema Hall, which was once a luxurious theatre, had lost its former glory. Outside the cinema, heroin addicts gathered, a stark contrast to the vibrant crowds of the past. The decline of the film industry had taken away the community’s meeting place and the joy of watching movies together.

Authorities had made attempts to lift the ban on Indian movies in 2015, but protests by local movie stars had forced them to halt the screenings. But then, the government made a new rule that said they can bring 10 movies every year from India or other countries in South Asia.

With “Pathaan” being released in 41 theatres across the country, many shows were already sold out. Distributors  believed that allowing the screening of Bollywood movies would be a game-changer for the industry. He expressed his optimism that this move would revive the cinema business, as the love for Hindi and southern Indian movies was widespread among the Bangladeshi audience.

A Significant Milestone

While some cinema owners hoped for a positive turnaround, local filmmakers expressed concerns about the potential impact on the local industry. They feared that opening the market to foreign movies could lead to the demise of Bangladeshi films, similar to what had happened in other countries. Yet, there was an undeniable demand among audiences for such movies.

Raj Ahmed, a forest department official, had traveled a long distance to watch “Pathaan,” only to be disappointed by the sold-out shows. He, like many others, longed to witness Shah Rukh Khan’s magic on the big screen.

The reintroduction of Indian movies in Bangladesh marked a significant milestone for cinema enthusiasts. It offered a glimpse of hope for the struggling film industry, while simultaneously posing challenges for the local filmmakers. The true impact of this development would be revealed over time. It could lead to a resurgence of cinemas or reshape the cinematic landscape of Bangladesh.

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