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Silly Ransomware Turns Math Problems into Jellybeans!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hello, curious readers! Today, we want to share some important information with you about a topic that affects the education sector and organizations around the world. It’s about something called ransomware attacks.

Ransomware attacks are a type of cyber-attack where bad people try to lock up important data and ask for money to unlock it. It’s like someone taking your favorite toy and not giving it back until you give them something they want. It’s not fair, is it? Well, these attacks have been increasing in India, and it’s causing a lot of problems.

Cyber Crisis: Ransomware Rises

  • A company called Sophos did a survey where 3,000 leaders who know a lot about keeping things safe on computers were asked questions. They did this study from January to March in 2023. These leaders were from 14 different countries around the world, like America, Europe, Asia, and Japan
  • They talked to many organizations and found that in India, 73% of them said they were victims of ransomware attacks. That’s a big increase from the previous year when it was 57%.
  • The education sector, which includes schools and colleges, was hit the hardest by these attacks. They found that 79% of higher education organizations and 80% of lower education organizations were victims of ransomware attacks. It’s really sad because education is so important for all of us.
  • But here’s something interesting: even though many organizations were attacked, fewer of them actually paid the ransom to get their data back. Last year, 78% of organizations paid the ransom, but this year, only 44% did. That’s a good thing because paying the ransom can be expensive and doesn’t always guarantee that you’ll get your data back.
  • From all this information, we can infer a few things.
    • First, ransomware attacks are a big problem in India and around the world. They can affect anyone, including schools and colleges.
    • Second, paying the ransom doesn’t always solve the problem. It can be costly, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll get your data back.
    • Third, it’s important to have good cybersecurity measures in place to protect against these attacks. That means having strong passwords, keeping your software up to date, and being careful about what you click on online.
  • In conclusion, ransomware attacks are a serious issue that we need to be aware of. It’s important to stay safe online and take steps to protect our data!

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Internet safety tips for kids are shared by the YouTube channel ‘Common Sense Media for Families’.

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