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Image depicting Sneaky Tricks Cybercriminals Use with Aadhaar!

Sneaky Tricks Cybercriminals Use with Aadhaar!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Oh boy, hold on tight because we’re about to take you on an adventure through the Aadhaar-enabled Payment System (AePS) and the mischievous cybercriminals who love to exploit it!

You see, there are these sneaky scammers who have found a way to use leaked biometric details to steal money from people’s bank accounts. They’re like little villains, bypassing the need for One Time Passwords (OTPs) and laughing all the way to the bank. Literally!

Important Details

  • Now, you might think that not sharing your OTPs or revealing your bank account details is a genius idea to outsmart these scammers. But guess what? These cybercriminals are getting even craftier! They’ve started using silicone thumbs to operate biometric devices and ATMs. Can you believe it? They’re like secret agents with high-tech gadgets!
  • Now, let us explain what AePS is. It’s a fancy system that allows online financial transactions using Aadhaar authentication. It’s supposed to make life easier, but these scammers found a way to exploit it. They don’t need OTPs or your bank account details anymore. They can just use your bank name, Aadhaar number, and the fingerprint you gave when you enrolled for Aadhaar. It’s like a shortcut for scammers!
  • But fear not, our little friend. There are ways to protect yourself. The UIDAI, the organization behind Aadhaar, is proposing some cool changes to keep your information safe. They want to make sure that entities don’t share your Aadhaar details without your permission. They’re also using a fancy two-factor authentication system to check the liveness of fingerprints. It’s like a spy movie, but with fingerprints instead of secret agents!
  • You can also do your part by locking your Aadhaar online. It’s like putting a padlock on your fingerprint. Only unlock it when you really need to use it, like for property registration or passport renewals. It’s like having a superpower to protect yourself from scammers!
  • If, by any chance, you fall victim to a financial scam using Aadhaar, don’t worry. Lock your Aadhaar immediately, inform your bank, and the authorities. They’ll come to the rescue and hopefully, return your money. It’s like having superheroes on your side!
  • Remember, stay vigilant, be careful with your Aadhaar, and don’t let those cybercriminals spoil your fun! Keep laughing and stay safe!

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Internet safety tips for kids are shared by the YouTube channel ‘Common Sense Media for Families’.

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