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Image depicting Real Octopus Gathering: 6,000 Spotted Together!

Real Octopus Gathering: 6,000 Spotted Together!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The Real Octopus Garden Mystery: A Tale of Love, Science, and Deep-Sea Shenanigans

The Underwater Wonderland

Imagine you’re a detective, but instead of solving cases in a bustling city, you’re cruising through an oceanic mystery. It’s pitch-black, silent, and, suddenly, you spot a magical scene—thousands of octopuses hanging out like they’re at a big underwater party! Well, scientists did just that and named it the “Octopus Garden.” Let’s dive into this splashy story.

When Scientists Said “What in the Squid?”

Five years ago, scientists were diving in a submarine when they found something that would make even a mermaid’s jaw drop. They found 6,000 octopuses all together, chilling out on ocean rocks. Nobody had ever seen so many octopuses hanging out in one place. It was like discovering a secret club that only octopuses knew about!

Why These Octopuses Are Cooler than Your Pool Party?

Why were all these octopuses gathered in one spot? The scientists scratched their heads and finally figured it out. The octopuses were using a special place near some underwater volcanic vents to have their babies! Normally, it’s super hard for deep-sea octopuses to have kids. Imagine waiting four years for a birthday cake—that’s how long their eggs take to hatch! But these smarty-pants octopuses found a warmer spot that made their eggs hatch in only two years!

Life, Death, and Everything Squishy

Here’s the touching part: these octopuses pass away shortly after having their babies. It’s a place of both new beginnings and sad farewells. Picture it like a big circle of life, with adorable baby octopuses at one end and ocean scavengers—nature’s clean-up crew—at the other.

A Call to Action

So, what can we learn from our eight-armed friends? It’s a big ocean out there with lots of special places that we don’t even know about. We’ve only seen a tiny slice of it. These octopuses remind us to take care of the ocean because it’s full of surprises, life, and, yes, love.

DIY Smartphone Activities

Activity 1: Octo-Emoji Story


  1. Open your texting or notes app.
  2. Use octopus emojis and other sea creature emojis to create a short story.
  3. Share your emoji story with a friend or family member!

Learning Outcomes

  • Use creativity to tell a story using only symbols.

Activity 2: Ocean Sounds Relaxation


  1. Search for “ocean sounds” on a music or video app.
  2. Listen to the sounds and imagine you’re in the Octopus Garden.
  3. After listening, draw what you imagined or talk about how the sounds made you feel.

Learning Outcomes

  • Increase sensory awareness.
  • Develop imagination and emotional understanding.

So, little sea explorers, put on your detective hats and uncover the ocean’s mysteries right from your smartphones!

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Watch a video

Unlock the Secret: Scientists Reveal the Astonishing Reason Thousands of Octopuses are Flocking to Deep-Sea Thermal Springs!

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