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Octopuses’ minds reveal secret brain wave!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Have you ever heard about an amazing creature called an octopus? Did you know that octopuses have a special ability to change colors and shapes to blend into their surroundings?

Well, scientists have made an even more incredible discovery about these creatures. They have discovered that octopuses have a never-before-seen brain wave!

Important Details

  • Scientists used electrodes to read the minds of the octopuses and found that they emit a unique brain wave that they call the “Ophiucus response.” It’s like a signal that an octopus sends out when they see something new and interesting. It’s pretty cool, huh?
  • The discovery of this new brain wave is exciting because it gives scientists more insight into how octopuses process information and navigate their environment. It also shows that these creatures are much more intelligent than we ever thought before.
  • Did you know that octopuses have nine brains and three hearts? That’s right! They have one central brain and eight smaller brains that are located in each of their arms. Imagine having nine brains! It sounds pretty handy, doesn’t it?
  • So, the next time you see an octopus, remember that they are not only fascinating creatures but also have a unique brain wave that scientists have never seen before. Who knows what other amazing things we will discover about these incredible creatures in the future!

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Watch a video

Check out this educational video from Nat Geo Wild on Octopuses.

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