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Sudan launches its first satellite in partnership with China


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Sudan has launched its first satellite in partnership with China. The head of Sudan’s sovereign council made the announcement.

  • The satellite has been launched with the aim of developing research in military, economy and space technology in the country.
  • They launched the Sudan Remote Sensing Satellite (SRSS-1) from Shanxi (Chinese province).
  • SRSS-1 was developed by a company named Shenzhen Aerospace Oriental Red Sea Satellite.


  • Sudan has been involved in a national space program for a long period of time.
  • It is covering activities such as remote sensing and geoinformatics.
  • In 2013, President Omar al-Bashir established the Institute of Space Research and Aerospace (ISRA) to develop space technologies.
  • However, in April this year, Mr Al-Bashir was removed by the army. His removal was followed by protests. The pro-democracy protestors and the army finally came to an understanding in August.

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