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Image depicting Hubble Captures Merging Galaxies

Hubble Captures Merging Galaxies!


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Hubble Captures Swooshing Interstellar Galaxies

Star formation and gravitational distortions caused by three galaxies have been caught by the Hubble Space Telescope. It looks like a three-galaxy merger is taking place. Above all, Hubble Captures Merging Galaxies!


What is a Galaxy?

In a galaxy, there is a lot of gas, dust, and a lot of stars and their solar systems. All of them are held together by gravity.

Hubble Space Telescope

Image depicting Hubble Space Telescope


This is a picture of the Hubble Space Telescope. It was put into low orbit around the Earth in 1990, and it is still going strong. Not the first space telescope, but it is one of the largest and most versatile. It has been used for research and as a way to get the word out about astronomy.

Hubble Captures Swooshing Interstellar Galaxies

A thick cloud of dust covers the centre of the picture, but the light from a distant galaxy can be seen shining through its outer parts. There is a lot of dust and bright swirls of stars in the picture taken by the Hubble Telescope. Astronomers at Hubble call the galaxy merger called IC 2431 that is 681 million light-years away.

You might hear it called a “triple galaxy merger”. This typically happens when three galaxies slowly come together and fight for space. Such events happen all over the universe, and all big galaxies, like our own Milky Way, are made up of mergers like this one.

Process of Creation

As messy as they look, mergers like these are more about making things than destroying them. As gas from three nearby galaxies comes together and condenses, a huge sea of material from which new stars will form is built up at the centre of the newly unified galaxy.

Many stars will have their planetary paths changed by the gravitational tug-of-war between the three galaxies, but there is so much space between those stars that very few of them are likely to collide.

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