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Image depicting Hubble telescope which captured six rare images of galaxies merging

Hubble telescope releases six rare images of galaxies merging


Recommended for Exploration

To celebrate a new year, the Hubble telescope released six rare views of galaxies merging (crashing into each other), and each image is amazing.

A galaxy is a huge collection of gas, dust, and billions of stars and their solar systems, all held together by gravity.

Facts about some of the galaxies in the image above taken by the Hubble telescope:

The top left galaxy is called NGC 3256, which is about 100 million light-years from Earth.

Top Right: NGC 4194; also known as the Medusa merger (after Medusa, a monster in ancient Greek mythology who had a head full of snakes). It is located about 130 million light-years away.

Bottom Middle is NGC 6052 which was originally thought to be one galaxy.

Bottom Right: NGC 34 – In the future, it will look weird as it will not have any specific shape.

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Watch a video on different galaxies in our universe:

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