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A Warm thanks to all of My School teachers.

The 5th of September 1962, is marked as the birth anniversary of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Since 1962, September 5 has been celebrated as Teachers’ Day to honor Dr. Radhakrishnan’s remarkable approach towards education and students. This is the day I have been waiting for for a very long.

On this day I get to thanks one of the most influential people in my life who overall changed my life. Teachers are the reason I have come up to such heights, because of them I was able to touch the skies. The rhythm of my life is handcrafted by the hands of my teachers. Each teacher who has taught me something also taught me a life lesson. A lesson that I would never forget in my life. Even in the true test of time, they prepared me for the worst and the best. I admire every teacher’s work and would always think that what could I take away from him/her. I would always be inspired by their work and would always want to live up to their expectation and hopefully, I will, but that is only till the test of time.

I wrote to compliment all the teachers in my home, school, classes, and academy I would always be thankful for them and to express my gratitude I wrote a small poem for all my teachers and all the teachers in the world.

I’m happy that you’re my teacher;
I enjoy each lesson you teach.
As my role model, you inspire me
To dream and to work and to reach.

With your kindness you get my attention;
Every day you are planting a seed
Of curiosity and motivation
To know and to grow and succeed.

You help me fulfill my potential;
I’m thankful for all that you’ve done.
I admire you each day, and I just want to say,
As a teacher, you’re number one!

I would like to thanks all my current VII ruby teachers including, Mr. G.B.Patil, Mr. Neeraj Sir Mrs. Hina Galchat, Mr. Amol Pandav, Mrs. Sheela Suryavanshi, Mrs. Archana Girigosavi, Mr. Mohammad Ali, Mr. Amol Pandit, Mrs. Rajashri Patil, Ms. Padmaja Chhatre, Mr. Vrushabh Awate, Mrs. Jacintha Joseph and Mrs. Ginni Nanda and also a Huge Thanks to all of the Teachers and I wish you all a Happy Teacher Day in Advance by Omkar Kumbhar. I’ll always remember you all with the deepest respect and affection for all your efforts in making each lesson enjoyable and educational. Your inspiring lessons gave my life direction. Thank you for being the best teacher a student could ever hope for.

(This image has been provided by the student.)

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Omkar Kumbhar


Comments: 1
  1. Omkarkumbhar says:

    Thanks for wonderful wishes. May God bless you. Keep on writing such an wonderful article. All the best omkar

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