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Word of the Day

  • Conviction  

    Noun | kuhn-vik-shuhn
    a firm belief in something

  • Convey  

    Verb | kuhn-vey
    to pass on or transfer (information)

  • Conventional  

    Adjective | kuhn-ven-shuh-nl
    abiding by accepted standards

  • Controversial  

    Adjective | kon-truh-vur-shuhl
    highly debatable and causing contention

  • Contradict  

    Verb | kon-truh-dikt
    to be in contrast with

  • Contend  

    Verb | kuhn-tend
    to maintain or assert (an opinion)

  • Contemplate  

    Verb | kon-tuhm-pleyt
    to think deeply about

  • Constitute  

    Verb | kon-sti-toot
    to form or compose (part of) something

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