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Word of the Day

  • Consensus  

    Noun | kuhn-sen-suhs
    overall agreement

  • Confine  

    Verb | kuhn-fahyn
    to put limits on; to restrict

  • Confide  

    Verb | kuhn-fahyd
    to share something secretive with someone

  • Conduct  

    Verb | kuhn-duhkt
    to control or manage

  • Conducive  

    Adjective | kuhn-doo-siv
    able to bring about or be suitable for

  • Condone  

    Verb | kuhn-dohn
    to overlook, approve, or allow

  • Conceive  

    Verb | kuhn-seev
    to imagine or come up with

  • Concede  

    Verb | kuhn-seed
    to be forced to agree or surrender

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