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Book Review - Darcy Dolphin Is A Little Bit Magic

Book Review – Darcy Dolphin Is A Little Bit Magic

Book Review - Darcy Dolphin Is A Little Bit Magic

Book Review – Darcy Dolphin Is A Little Bit Magic

‘ Darcy Dolphin Is A Little Bit Magic ‘ – A book written by Sam Watkins was originally published in June, 2017.
It is a ‘ fintastic ‘ diary of Darcy, the dolphin. She talks a lot and uses a lot of new words every day. Darcy’s new pen pal, Coral Crab, is coming to stay with her. Coral lives at Rockpool but the summer has been too hot and the water at Rockpool School has all dried up so the pupils are coming to Ripple Reef. Darcy’s friends, Ozzie Octopus and Myrtle Turtle, have been preparing things that their pen pals like, but Darcy isn’t ready and so borrows a book from the library to know about crabs. The only book in the library about crabs is ‘ Attack of the Zombie Crabs ‘ that later makes her think that Coral is a zombie when she behaves too strange after arriving. She starts believing it when she finds a brain under Coral’s bed ! Soon she realises that it is a dead brain coral that Darcy’s mum had given Coral as she felt homesick.
On Show and Tell day, Coral shows the class her brain coral, Bertie and soon everyone’s finding pebbles and making them their pebble pals. But one day, the head teacher gets hit by Bertie and makes Coral leave him at the school gate. By the time school’s over, the stone has disappeared. Coral thinks he’s ‘ rocknapped ‘. One day, when Darcy and Coral are at the market to cheer up Coral, they find Bertie at a shop with the sign : SOLD. But Darcy’s determined to get Bertie back, so she takes five squid for her squidybank and buys Bertie back from the old lady who’s buying him.
There’s a problem : Darcy and Coral have only one week to prepare for the Talent Show at the end of the week and they haven’t thought of anything yet. Another problem is that Simon Trout is judging their talent show and he’s really hard to please because even the best performance cannot make it in the TV talent show that he judges. Darcy and Coral have planned to do a magic show. Will they be able to win the talent show ? To find that, the reader needs to read the book.

Book Review – Darcy Dolphin Is A Little Bit Magic

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