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Ekphrastic poem- Unruly Smile

I sit with my arm resting my chin
A barely visible smile forming at the ends of my lips
Finally closing the absconding chapter of my life
Awaiting the utopian journey that is coming my way
The nuns look at me with sorrowful eyes
Not realising that they set me free
I await my turn, my turn to be happy, to be liberated
Away from the cruel, cruel world that I’ll leave behind
I try hard, to not let my smile show
Afterall, not all women are happy when they find themselves close to death
I am not one of them
My name is called out
The crowd spits at my feet
I inhale the humid air
While they tie me to the pyre
I pretend to resist
To not let my façade go to waste
I feel the warm heat of the fire that will soon dissolve my body and leave nothing but ashes
I have been hunted long enough
Been born with no privilege
A miracle had come knocking on my door
I was accused of being a witch
I would get to die without being cursed
I will finally be at peace, live with the angels and forget all about this world that means nothing to me.

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