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Kuhu Kacher’s Icy-Stick Tricolor Triumph!

Crafting Patriotism

From the corridors of La Martiniere to the pages of Curious Times, Kuhu Kacher’s creativity stands out. Transforming simple ice cream sticks into an emblem of national pride showcases not just talent, but a deep sense of dedication and love for the country.

Innovation in Simplicity

It’s the simple ideas that often leave the most significant impact. Kuhu’s unique approach to crafting is a testament to this. With each stick colored and placed, she’s woven a tapestry of our nation’s tricolor spirit.

The Future of Artistry

Such ingenuity at this young age is a promising sign of the masterpieces to come. Kuhu’s imaginative prowess speaks volumes about her potential, making her a beacon for other budding creators.

Keep dreaming, keep crafting. For in the heart of innovation lies the essence of true genius. Every creation is a step towards artistic excellence. Go forth and inspire!

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Kuhu Kacher

4, La Martiniere Girls' College, Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

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