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Image depicting My Connect with Element: WATER

My Connect with Element: WATER

Image depicting My Connect with Element: WATER

For me, Water is the most precious gift of Mother Nature and one of the most important elements of nature on our planet.i have a very deep and personal relationship with Water. So deep that I can’t even find enough words to sum up all that I get from Water, my dearest friend. But let me try anyway.

Water gives me calmness while working out, it gives me energy to work and even prevents me from getting dehydrated. Being a liquid,  water can change its shape to take the shape of whatever contains it. Similarly, it takes on the colour of whatever is mixed into it. Isn’t that wonderful?  In that sense, water symbolizes to me a very deep relationship with whatever it comes in contact with.

I feel it also has an intelligence  which connects it with our intellect. For example, we know when we have to drink water as we start feeling thirsty or dehydrated. More than that, I think that we can even converse with water. I can tell water not to overfill me. I can also tell it to not fill me up so much that I end up going to the restroom in the middle of the night.

Does water always listen to us? According to me, It’s water’s choice if it wants to listen to us because, acording to me, water is a living thing. And therefore, I believe it has an intelligence of its own.

And through that intelligence, look how water supports all kinds of life forms on our planet,from plants, marine life, animals,humans, even microrganisms and the climate cycles of the entire earth as a whole. For plants, it is the carrier of nutrition. For us humans, it helps maintain our body temperature in balance cooling it or warming it as required. For marine and water based life forms, it is their very home. For our whole earth, it conveys heat from one place to another, nourishes our soil and keeps the whole planet moving peacefully through cycles of weather change, evaporation, precipitation, percolation and so much more.

For me, Water is a very close friend of mine who talks less and does more.

But don’t be misled into believing that Water is all gentle and soft only. Water can also pack unimaginable power when provoked or challenged. It can break houses, cause floods, break mountains and rocks, kill anything which comes in its way when it takes the forms of flash floods, tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes and cloud bursts.

And when not respected and conserved, it can also cause severe droughts killing millions from starvation and sickness .

When I look at what all it does for us humans, and our home, planet earth,  I feel very bad for my dear friend. I see that we are not using it properly and treating it with the respect it deserves. I am so depressed and devastated when I see human beings wasting or mis-using water. For example, using excessive water for washing our vehicles, producing water intensive products like Beer, Sugar, Denim and doing useless things with it like letting wastewater go down the drains or rivers without recycling or cleaning.

We must understand that fresh water,which we can use for our daily needs is very limited. If we don’t use it properly, it will run out one day and then we will also die because of its scarcity. So, let us all pledge to build a truly respectful and friendly relationship with water,and enjoy its miracles forever.

By Viraj Jain

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6, Shiv Nadar School Faridabad , Faridabad , Haryana

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