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Want ice cream? Make it in just 5 steps!

The shinny sun, want to have something cool and tasty? Yes, The ice cream. Let’s make it ourselves.

Things needed :

1. Ziplock [1 big and 1 medium] 2. 1 cup of half and half milk.
Don’t have? No problem, take 1/2 fresh cream and 1/2 milk.
3. Sugar
4. Vanilla flavour
5. Ice
6. Rock-salt

Preparing time – 5 min and Ready to serve within 30 min.

How to prepare?

1 – Take a big ziplock and add ice cubes to it. Also, add rock salt and mix with ice in a zip lock.

2 – Take the small zip lock and add half and half milk or 1/2 milk and 1/2 fresh cream.

3 – Add vanilla flavour to the milk. Around 3-5 drops.

4 – Keep the small zip lock inside the big one and lock it properly.

5 – Shake it and keep it in the freezer.

After 30 -60 min it will be ready. Yummy and tasty!!

Serve it on plates and add some toppings like gems!

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8, Blue Ridge Public School, Hinjewadi, Pune , Maharashtra

Comments: 6
  1. Blackdiamond says:

    why rock??

  2. Blackdiamond says:

    which rock-stone or rockstar one

  3. SaSi says:

    Sorry @Blackdiamond, it is a typo.. You actually need rock salt

  4. Rahul Bhardwaj says:

    Dear Blackdiamond – thank you so much for your question. It’s an excellent question. We need rock salt as it balances the taste of ice cream. The majority of popular icecreams use rock salt in their preparations. Hope this helps.

  5. Rahul Bhardwaj says:

    Dear @Blackdiamond, you seem to be a rockstar posting interesting questions. You don’t need to add any rock-stone 🙂

  6. Rahul Bhardwaj says:

    Thank you @SaSi for your response. You get a 100% for your correct response.

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