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My Futuristic Idea – The Planet Tamer

My futuristic idea is a machine which can make life on other planets possible by growing plants on them. First we need to design a machine or a super rocket which can travel in the air as well as on land. It will be called as “The Planet Tamer”.

To start, we need to put some seeds in the big black box of the rocket. From this box the seeds will go into a pipe. This pipe leads the seeds into two special chambers where all the seeds will undergo some special checks. Chamber number 1 makes sure that the seeds do not need water, air, sunlight and humus to grow. Chamber number 2 makes sure that the plants can grow in extreme conditions.

After crossing the two chambers, the seeds will be shot out from the top of the rocket, through a pipe into the soil of a planet. Then the hands of the rocket dig up the soil and sow the seeds. The hands will then cover the seeds with soil. This can easily be done on Mercury, Venus and Mars because their surfaces are easy to dig up.

But what about the Gas Giants like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune? We cannot dig up the surface, because they do not have a surface at all! And if we put anything on this planet, it will go straight down to the rocky core! So what do we do for that? Well, the rocket will have abilities to make flying platforms to plant the seeds!

So this is all about my futuristic idea.

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Rudransh Pillai

3, The Choice School, Kochi, Kochi, Kerala

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