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Image depicting Abel Prize Laureate 2022 - American Mathematician Dennis Sullivan!

Abel Prize Laureate 2022 – American Mathematician Dennis Sullivan!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Dennis Sullivan, an American mathematician, has been given the Abel Prize, one of the most prestigious honours in mathematics, for his contributions to the field of topology.

What is Topology?

Topology is a field of mathematics which deals with the properties of surfaces that don’t change when they’re deformed.

For example, topologically, a circle and a square are the same. The surface of a doughnut and a coffee mug with one handle are also the same. However, the surface of a sphere and a coffee mug is not the same.

The field of topology has been used in a lot of different fields. For example, complex models can be used to look at data and figure out what they mean. Much of the field’s progress in the last few years has been built on the foundations laid by Sullivan.

Dennis Sullivan – A skilled mathematician!

Sullivan was born in the United States in 1941. As far back as the 1960s, he began working in math. At that time, the field of topology was growing, with a lot of work going on to classify all possible manifolds. Manifold objects have different surfaces just like spheres and 2D sheets have different surfaces.

Sullivan broke down the problem into one that could be solved with algebra calculations.   In the 1980s, Sullivan became more interested in complex systems that change over time, like the orbits of planets. In the years since, Sullivan become interested in how fluids, like water in a stream, move quickly. That’s what his dream is. He wants to find patterns that could make this kind of movement predictable on a large scale.

Past Winners!

The Abel Award is considered a lifetime achievement award in the field of mathematics. It was first given in 2003. There have been 24 Abel laureates in the last century, and all of them are well-known mathematicians. Many of them did their best work in the middle to the late twentieth century.

S.R. Srinivasa Varadhan, an Indian mathematician won the Abel Prize in 2007 for his important work in predictability or probability theory.

What do our readers think about Abel Awards, do you aspire to receive an Abel Award one day? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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Do check out this amazing Youtube video of Dennis Sullivan’s reaction to winning the Abel Prize.


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