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Karen Uhlenbeck is the first woman to win Abel Prize


Recommended for Middle Grades

Professor Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck of the U.S. received the Abel prize in 2019. It is the most prestigious award in the field of Mathematics, earlier today.

Key facts!

  • Mrs Uhlenbeck is recognized for her contribution to geometric analysis and gauge theory.
    • In other words, maths problems involving curved lines are based on solving something called partial differential equations.
  • Chairman of the Abel prize committee, Mr Hans Munthe-Kaas, appreciated Uhlenbeck stating her work makes it easier to understand very small surfaces and have made very difficult problems easier.
  • Importantly, Mrs Karen Uhlenbeck is the first woman to win the Abel prize in the past 16 years.
  • She received about ₹ 4.5 crores as reward money.
  • Mrs Karen is a professor in mathematics at the University of Texas at Austin, US.
    • Born in 1942, she holds a doctorate and is a role model for all mathematicians.
    • She enjoys trekking since her early childhood.

What is the Abel prize?

  • It is a prize given by the King of Norway recognizing excellent Mathematicians.
  • The prize is named after Norwegian (citizen of Norway) mathematician Neils Henrik Abel.
  • It is a Nobel prize equivalent for mathematicians.

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