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Image depicting Ancient necklace holds secret of the past!

Ancient necklace holds secret of the past!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! Let us tell you about something really cool that scientists just discovered. They found some super old human DNA on a necklace that was buried in a cave in Siberia for 25,000 years! Can you believe that?

Denisovan Revelations: 25,000-Year-Old DNA Unveiled!

  • Okay, so here’s the story: A group of scientists were exploring a cave in Siberia called the Denisova Cave. This cave is famous for the discoveries of the bones of a human-like species called the Denisovans. Anyway, while they were looking around, they found a necklace made out of animal teeth and bones. The necklace is about 25,000 years old, which means it’s from a time called the Paleolithic period, when people were still using stone tools.
  • But that’s not even the coolest part. The scientists took a closer look at the necklace and found some tiny pieces of dirt on it. And guess what was in the dirt? Human DNA! They were able to extract the DNA and analyze it to figure out who it belonged to.
  • And the results were really surprising. The DNA actually came from two different people: one was a woman, and the other was a man who was related to the Denisovans.
  • So what does this all mean? Well, it tells us that people were living in Siberia a really, really long time ago, and they were making jewelry and other cool things. It also gives us more information about the Denisovans, who are still kind of a mystery to scientists.
  • And who knows what else we might find in that cave or other places around the world? The possibilities are endless!
  • In summary, scientists found 25,000-year-old human DNA on a necklace made out of animal teeth and bones in the Denisova Cave in Siberia. The DNA came from a woman and a man related to the Denisovans.
  • This discovery sheds light on the lives of people in the Paleolithic period and helps us learn more about the Denisovans.

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