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Ancient Skeleton Found: Time Travel Discovery!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, young explorer! We’ve got some fascinating news for you. They recently found a super-duper old skeleton in Poland! Like, seriously old.

This skeleton is around 7,000 years old! Can you even imagine?

Discovering Ancient Kraków: Unveiling History

  • The cool thing is that this ancient skeleton was discovered near a place called Kraków by some awesome archaeologists. They were doing renovations in a town square in Słomniki when they stumbled upon this incredible find. The skeleton is in such great condition that they can learn a lot about the person who lived so long ago.
  • They found pottery fragments next to the skeleton, and based on the style of the pottery, they think it’s from the same time as the skeleton. It’s like putting together pieces of a puzzle! They also found bits of flint nearby.
  • What’s even more exciting is that they’re going to do some tests to learn even more about this ancient person. An anthropologist is going to examine the skeleton to figure out who this person was. They’ll also use a special method called radiocarbon dating to find out the exact time this person lived. It’s like being a detective and solving mysteries from the past!
  • The experts say that this skeleton could help us understand more about the very first farmers in that area. Can you believe it? These early farmers were exploring new lands and encountering other people who were already living there. They lived alongside hunter-gatherers for about 2,000 years, but there’s still a lot we don’t know about how they interacted.
  • So, our young adventurers, this discovery is like opening a window into the past. It’s like having a time machine and getting to learn about ancient people and their way of life. Isn’t that mind-boggling?
  • Who knows what other secrets this skeleton will reveal? The more we learn, the more we understand our amazing history. Keep exploring, our curious friends!

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