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Image depicting Ancient Squirrel Found Frozen in Time!

Ancient Squirrel Found Frozen in Time!


Recommended for International

A gold miner in Siberia found something strange! It turned out to be a perfectly preserved squirrel that’s around 30,000 years old. It’s amazing how something so old can still look like it’s just sleeping.

It shows us how things can be preserved in ice for thousands of years and still look like they just fell asleep. Scientists can learn a lot from studying the squirrel and its new species.

It’s important to continue exploring and learning about our history! Importantly, this discovery is just one example of how exciting that can be.

Important Details

  • The gold miner found the squirrel on a riverbank in Siberia.
  • Scientists believe that the squirrel was perfectly preserved because it was frozen in the permafrost.
  • Permafrost is a layer of ice that never thaws.
  • In addition, they found out that the squirrel is a female!
  • And it’s a new species that they’ve never seen before.
  • They named it “Vulcanomys” after the nearby volcano where it was found.
  • The discovery of the perfectly preserved 30,000-year-old squirrel is an amazing find.

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