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Image depicting Siberian ice breeds zombie viruses!

Siberian ice breeds zombie viruses!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

In the polar ice of Siberia, viruses have been found that are often called “zombie strains.” After thousands of years, scientists have finally been able to find bacteria that are still alive. This was made possible by the melting of the permafrost.

What is permafrost?

Permafrost is a layer of soil that is always frozen. It is found in places that are very cold.

Bacteria like fungi and viruses live and grow under the frozen surface of the Arctic soil. Some of these bacteria haven’t been in a cell for millions of years.

Experts claim that these disease-causing organisms have been sleeping under the arctic ice. But as the planet continues to warm up because of climate change, they are starting to move around again.

Key facts!

  • Rivers in Siberia were used to get samples of permafrost and water for a study.
  • More than ten viruses that had never been seen before were found in the frozen wool of an ancient animal.
  • Another was found in the stomach of a Siberian wolf.
  • Scientists thawed the animals in a lab and were able to bring back viruses that had infected their cells.
  • Some of the viruses had been around for more than tens of thousands of years.
  • However, that didn’t stop the viruses from multiplying.
  • They also made the cells split open and let out more virus particles.
  • Biologists in charge say that the ones they brought back to life seem harmless because they only infect amoebas.
  • But the fact that they can still make people and animals sick shows that ancient viruses could still do that.
  • Since amoebas are such good “model organisms,” the researchers chose to study viruses that infect amoebas.
  • The authors of the study state that the viruses that haven’t been found could pose a threat.

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Polar and marine research tells us what we need to know about the main ideas behind permafrost.

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