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Image depicting Art Celebrates Animals in Our Lives!

Art Celebrates Animals in Our Lives!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

“Myth-making and Divine Animals” is an exhibition of 25 works by eight artists at the Threshold Gallery, New Delhi. The exhibition aspires to emphasise the value of creatures in our society.

The exhibition is also an effort to reimagine a mythology that centres on the divine nature of plants and animals. Further, the paintings attempt to relook at the divine power attributed to flora and fauna.

Important Details

  • The exhibition attempts to highlight the inter-relatedness of animals with our domestic lives.
  • An attempt is also made to recreate a new mythology around a single animal.
  • For example, an artist skillfully depicts the Simurgh and other birds mourning the loss of Laila and Majnu.
  • The Jataka tales are very close to an artist’s story of how the elephant Gajananda becomes a devotee of Lord Vishnu.
  • The artists also investigate the various ways in which stories have been retold and reimagined through the ages.
  • For instance, the Ramayana is told very differently in North India than in South India.
  • The Pahari miniature technique is brought to life in a watercolour on canvas depiction of the Dasavatar of Vishnu by another artist.
  • The show celebrates the sacred status of animals and the inseparable bond between us and them.
  • A budding artist has fabricated his own fantastical realm populated entirely by snakes.
  • Myths are mutable in nature and vary with time and geography.

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