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Khajuraho recovered artefacts exhibition!

Khajuraho recovered artefacts exhibition!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The national capital will host an exhibition on Khajuraho artefacts that have been repatriated. Its purpose is to maintain awareness of the need of preventing the illegal trafficking of antiquities.

What is Khajuraho?

Khajuraho is an old city that is known for its beautiful temples and sculptures. The city is in the Madhya Pradesh district of Chattarpur.

Important Details

  • The exhibition features 26 artefacts that have been returned to India after being stolen.
    • For example, the 12th-century Dancing Ganesha.
      • A stone sculpture from Central India went missing but was repatriated from the United States in 2021.
    • The 11th-century marble figurines of Brahma and Brahmani from Gujarat fetched back from the United Kingdom in 2017
    • Second-century B.C. Yaksha, Amin Pillar.
      • It had gone missing from Haryana, but was later discovered in the United Kingdom and repatriated after being found there.
  • The inauguration of the exhibit is scheduled for the beginning of May in the nation’s capital.
  • Firstly, one of the objectives of the exhibition is to prevent the loss of cultural heritage as a result of armed conflict and illegal trade.
  • Secondly, make alternative methods of conflict resolution accessible.
  • Thirdly, to create capacity-building mechanisms, such as museums, for the preservation and upkeep of cultural artefacts.
  • Experts estimate that more than 200 artefacts that had been stolen or were missing have been returned to India as of the current date.
  • The artefacts date from the third millennium before the common era all the way up to the nineteenth century after the common era.
  • For example, exquisite bronze sculptures such as that of Lord Ram, Lakshmana and Sita are significant among the rescued artefacts.
  • The people in charge of antiquities rely on a variety of methods to track down antiquities.

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