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Image depicting Australia bans homework starting April-1!

Australia bans homework starting April-1!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Turn in your schoolwork and pencils, for the first time, homework has been effectively banned for students in Australia under a new law. On the first of April in the year 2022, the new rule will take effect.

On second thought, does that date sound familiar? Gotcha! As far as our readers can tell, today is April Fools Day. One of the many April Fools’ Day pranks that will be carried out in classrooms, schoolyards, and homes as well as in the media in Australia.

Image depicting April Fools' Day prank - South Australian Police Department

In an April Fool’s Day prank last year, the South Australian Police Department claimed to be using dachshunds as police dogs. This was clearly meant to be taken in a humorous spirit.

Image depicting April Fools' Day prank - Tasmanian Police Department

The Curious Case of Sniffer Pigs!

On April 1, 2016, the Tasmanian Police Department announced the introduction of “sniffer pigs” as a prank. That’s so funny, right?

April Fool’s Day has become a tradition for many media outlets, including newspapers, radio and television stations, and websites. It is customary in Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom to play April Fools’ Day pranks until noon on this day.

Those who fall for a joke early in the day are thought to be “fools,” according to popular belief. After 12 PM in the afternoon, the fools turn into those who play pranks.

There is a wide range of opinions on this topic, and some people insist on constantly playing pranks on each other.

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