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Image depicting All Fools' Day, 1 April

Today is ‘All Fools’ Day’, are you getting creative with your pranks?


Recommended for Foundational Grades

All Fools’ Day or April Fools’ Day is observed on the 1st of April every year worldwide. It is commonly celebrated by cracking practical pranks with people around. Then, you expose the prank by screaming “April fool” at them.

  • April Fools’ day is also known as All Fools’ Day.
  • In France, the fooled person is called ‘Poisson d’avril’ (April fish).
  • In Brazil, 1st April is celebrated as Dia da Mentira’ or Lie Day.

There is no proper evidence to say when April Fools’ Day celebration began. Some believe that tradition began in France during the 16th century.

Interesting story about the history of All Fools’ Day

  • In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII ordered to replace the Julian Calendar with a new calendar called the Gregorian calendar. Accordingly, New Year’s Day was moved to 1st January from 1st April.
  • But, a few people didn’t know about it and still continue to celebrate  New Year’s Day on 1st April. So, other people began to make fun of the people who used the old calendar.
  • Here is an interesting video to cheer you up and give you some ideas on how to celebrate All Fools’ Day. It also tells us what not to do.

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Video credit: Mystery Doug/Youtube

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