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Beethoven’s Hair Tells Secret!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey, my ever-curious companion! Let us tell you an interesting and touching story about Beethoven.

You know Beethoven? Not the big drooly dog from the movies, but a rockstar of classical tunes! He was born way, way, way back, before your great-great-great grandparents were even babies, around the late 1700s and early 1800s!

Beethoven was the superstar who created mega-hits like his Ninth Symphony. That’s like the “Old Town Road” or “Baby Shark” of his time – everybody knows it, and folks are still bopping to his music even today!

What’s even more impressive about Mr. Beethoven? He could no longer hear the world, but he still kept his groove on. Just like a superhero, he never gave up on his music even when things got super tricky. Can you imagine that? Creating music that he himself couldn’t hear!

But, like all great stories, his had to end too. In 1827, Beethoven took his final bow. He was really unwell for quite some time and, sadly, his hearing had gotten even worse.

Beethoven’s Secrets

  • When Beethoven’s friends were going through his stuff, they found a special paper he wrote many years before. On that paper, he asked his brothers to tell people about his health problems.
  • Beethoven’s hearing loss started when he was in his 20s, and it got worse as he grew older. Can you imagine being a musician and not being able to hear the music you play? That’s really ironic, right? He felt so sad that he even thought about doing something very serious.
  • But there were other problems Beethoven faced too. He had stomach pains and tummy troubles since he was very young. And six years before he passed away, he got really sick with liver disease, which might have been one of the reasons for his death.
  • Some people thought that lead poisoning caused his health issues because of the things he used and the treatments he got. But the latest study shows that it was probably something else.
  • Guess what? They even checked his hair to find out more. But, surprise, surprise! The hair they thought was Beethoven’s actually belonged to a lady, not him!
  • Even though they didn’t figure out everything about his hearing loss and stomach problems, they did find something interesting about his family. They discovered that a long time ago, before Beethoven was born, there was a little secret in his family tree. Someone in his family was a little mischievous!
  • Isn’t it funny how some things can be a mystery even after so many years? Beethoven would never have imagined that all these secrets would come out when his friends cut his hair after he passed away.
  • So, my little friends, we’ve learned a lot about Beethoven and his life, but there are still some things we don’t know. History can be full of surprises, just like Beethoven’s story! Keep exploring and enjoying the wonderful world of music and history!

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