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Bharat Parekh – Dreams do come true!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Bharat Parekh is one of the million service partners who work for the Life Insurance Corporation of India. In his job, he “services” about 40,000 insurance policies. In operation for 66 years and employing more than 100,000 people, LIC is a household name in India.

No-nonsense guy!

Mr Parekh is one of the most successful agents in LIC, according to his colleagues. A pleasant and well-dressed gentleman, Mr Parekh radiates the energy of a salesperson and sincerity in his interactions with other people. His life insurance business has mostly operated in and around Nagpur – a city best known for its oranges.

Over the course of over thirty years, Mr Parekh has been a member of an organisation comprising of the world’s most prominent life insurance services professionals.

A regular guest speaker, he has been asked to address audiences at schools, colleges, banks, and business schools. He prides himself on being a man who doesn’t put up with any nonsense.

Humble beginnings!

In his childhood, Mr Parekh, son of a textile mill worker and a stay-at-home mother, lived with his family in a rented one-room with eight other people. His family consisted of his parents, four siblings, and a widowed aunt.

Mr Parekh had little room to daydream. Living conditions were challenging for the siblings, who stuffed sticks into cardboard boxes in order to make ends meet on both ends of the household.

Mr Parekh began selling insurance after his morning college classes when he was 18 years old. It was his sister who would take care of the paperwork and bookkeeping, while he cycled about on his bicycle to make calls.

Success – few reasons amongst many!

Mr Parekh believes that some of the reasons for his success are that he has always been one step ahead of his competition. He made investments in his own personal growth.

  • It was in 1995 that he acquired a Toshiba laptop from Singapore, back then it was expensive and unheard of investment.
  • In the following year that he began digitising his records.
  • He also spent a substantial amount of money on getting himself educated and travelling extensively. 

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