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Book Review: The Room on the Roof by Ruskin Bond


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Rusty’s Lonely World

A New Home, But Not a Happy One

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Rusty, a boy with a heart full of dreams, found himself in a world where he didn’t quite fit in. His new home with Mr. John Harrison wasn’t filled with the warmth of a family. It was more like a house than a home, lacking the laughter and love that make a house a home. Rusty was caught in a tangle of emotions. He was like a bird with wings but nowhere to fly.

The Confusion of Growing Up

Growing up is like trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces. For Rusty, this puzzle was even more complicated. He stood on the bridge between childhood and adulthood, unsure which way to turn. Like a leaf caught in a breeze, he felt swayed in different directions, confused about where he belonged.

Life with Mr. Harrison was a string of rules and orders, like a fence around Rusty’s free spirit. Each rule was a bar in the cage, making Rusty feel trapped. He yearned to spread his wings but feared the consequences. The thought of disobeying Mr. Harrison was like staring at a tall, dark mountain too steep to climb.

A Leap into the Bazaar

One day, Rusty found the courage to step out of his cage. It was like a little bird taking its first flight. The bazaar, a place forbidden by Mr. Harrison, called to him. Rusty’s heart and mind were in a tug-of-war. Finally, his heart won, leading him into a world of new sights, sounds, and smells.

Friends in Unexpected Places

In the bazaar, Rusty’s life took a turn like a river finding a new path. He met Somi and Ranbir, who were like rays of sunshine piercing through his cloudy days. These friendships were unexpected gifts, like finding treasure in an unexpected place. They gave Rusty hope and confidence, lighting up his world.

But with every step towards freedom, Rusty faced challenges. When he returned home, Mr. Harrison’s punishment was swift, like a storm that comes without warning. The caning was a harsh reminder of the world he longed to escape. Yet, Rusty’s spirit, like a sturdy tree, refused to break.

Rusty’s Journey to Independence

Rusty’s journey was like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly. He left Mr. Harrison’s house, embracing the uncertainty of the world. With Somi’s help, Rusty found a tiny room on the roof, a place that was his and his alone. It was like finding a cozy nest in a vast forest.

Love and Loss

In this new world, Rusty discovered love and warmth in Kishen’s mother, Meena. But life, like a river, is full of twists and turns. Rusty lost his friends and his first love, plunging him back into loneliness. It was as if the sun had set on his bright world.

In his darkest moment, Rusty planned to leave for England. But a last encounter with Kishen changed everything. Like two travelers at a crossroads, they decided to walk a new path together. Rusty realized that sometimes, the best journeys are those we never planned.

The Magic of Ruskin Bond’s Storytelling

“Room on the Roof” is more than just a story; it’s a journey through a teenager’s heart, written by Ruskin Bond when he was just seventeen. Like a painter with words, Ruskin Bond brings Rusty’s world to life, filling it with emotions that dance off the page. This story teaches us to be like Rusty, open to the world and willing to follow our hearts, even when the path is uncertain.

Ruskin Bond’s storytelling is like a warm blanket on a cold night. It’s comforting and familiar. He reminds me of Roald Dahl in his ability to weave tales that are simple yet profound, touching the heart with humor and humanity. Reading “Room on the Roof” and other Ruskin Bond stories is like embarking on an adventure, where each page is a step into a world of wonder and wisdom.

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