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Image depicting ChatGPT confuses judge with hilarious made-up cases!

ChatGPT confuses judge with hilarious made-up cases!


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Hey there! We’ve got a hilarious story to tell you today about a lawyer who got into some big trouble using a fancy AI chatbot called ChatGPT. Buckle up for some comical legal mishaps!

Important Details

  • So, picture this: There was a lawyer in the United States who thought he found the ultimate shortcut to his legal research. He decided to use ChatGPT, this cool AI chatbot, to help him out. But oh boy, did things go sideways!
  • This lawyer was working on a case against an airline company called Avianca. He wanted to impress the judge and thought he could boost his arguments by citing some really important cases. But here’s the funny part: some of the cases he mentioned didn’t even exist! Can you believe it? It’s like trying to build a sandcastle with imaginary sand.
  • One of the made-up cases was called “Varghese v. China Southern Airlines Co., Ltd.” The lawyer insisted that it was a genuine case, but it ended up being as fantastical as a unicorn playing the trumpet. And guess what? There were other cases he mentioned that were either imaginary or full of mistakes. Oops!
  • When the judge found out about this legal blunder, he was not happy at all. He scolded the lawyer like a grumpy school principal catching a student chewing gum in class. The judge even said that six of the cases the lawyer submitted were totally fake! They had fake quotes and fake references inside them. Can you imagine how silly that must have looked?
  • Now, the lawyer did admit that he used ChatGPT for his research, but he also said he regretted it a lot. The judge called it an “unprecedented circumstance,” which means it was a really unusual and crazy situation. You see, these AI chatbots can sometimes have a little problem called “hallucination.” It’s like they imagine things and give you answers that sound real, but they’re actually just made-up stories.
  • Here’s a funny twist to this story: earlier in the year, ChatGPT even accused someone of being a “harasser” while quoting a non-existent newspaper report from The Washington Post. It’s like the chatbot was trying to be a gossip magazine and got its facts all mixed up!
  • So, friends, remember that using AI chatbots can be a risky business. They might give you answers that sound good, but you always need to double-check their facts. Just like you wouldn’t trust a talking dog to do your homework, you can’t rely blindly on these bots to win your legal battles.
  • And that’s the end of our comical legal adventure! Remember, it’s always best to stick to real facts and real cases. Stay silly and keep those imaginations running wild!

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