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Image depicting China space program that launches first module to space station

China space station’s first module launched


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Once upon a time, in the vastness of outer space, there was a special place called the International Space Station, or ISS for short. It’s a humongous station floating up there, and guess what? It’s not just one country’s project—it’s a team effort! The United States, Russia, Canada, Japan, and Europe all work together to operate this space wonderland.

But hold on a minute! There’s a little problem. China, with its own space dreams, isn’t part of this cosmic club. Nope, no Chinese astronauts have ever been aboard the ISS. So what does China do?

They decide, “Hey, let’s make our own space station!” And that’s exactly what they plan to do by the year 2022. They even gave it a fancy name: Tiangong, which means “Heaven’s Palace.” How cool is that?

Cosmic Collaboration: ISS and China’s Tiangong

  • Now, let’s take a closer look at the ISS. You might have heard about it before in some space news. This incredible creation, started back in 1998, is like a giant puzzle in space. Different space shuttles flew up there and carried special parts to be joined together. It took two whole years to assemble the ISS piece by piece. Imagine building a gigantic space jigsaw puzzle—it’s out of this world!
  • Back to China’s space station adventures. Just last week, they sent something super important into space. It’s called the Tianhe module, which is like a big chunk of a spacecraft. This module is like the engine room of the new space station—it provides power and has fancy life support technology. And guess what? The astronauts get to live in this cool module too! It was launched from a place called the Wenchang Space Launch Centre in Hainan, on a powerful rocket called the Long March-5B. Rockets are like the taxis of space, taking things where they need to go.
  • But wait, there’s more! China has big plans. They’re going to launch about 10 more similar missions, each carrying different equipment. It’s like sending a space delivery service to build their station in the stars. They want to make their space station just as awesome as the ISS, but maybe a little smaller. Who says bigger is always better, right?
  • So, while the ISS is up there doing its space thing with its international crew, China is busy creating its very own cosmic palace. Who knows what amazing discoveries and adventures await us in this vast expanse of the universe? One thing’s for sure, space is full of surprises and dreams that are truly out of this world!

Watch a video

Prepare for lift-off and witness the awe-inspiring International Space Station in action! Blast off with this mind-blowing video adventure!

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