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Image depicting China makes rocket go with funny gas!

China makes rocket go with funny gas!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, little space explorer! Guess what China just did? They launched the world’s first rocket powered by methane, a special kind of fuel, into space! It’s called the Zhuque-2, and it’s a super cool achievement for a Chinese company called LandSpace.

The rocket took off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in China’s Inner Mongolia region. And you know what? It successfully completed its mission! This was LandSpace’s second attempt, as the first one didn’t go so well. But hey, they didn’t give up, and this time they nailed it!

China’s Methane-Powered Triumph: Reaching for the Stars!

  • Now, here’s the exciting part: China is now leading the race against American companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin in developing rockets fuelled by methane. These rockets are awesome because they’re considered to be safer, cheaper, and better for the environment. Plus, they can even be reused! Isn’t that amazing?
  • But wait, there’s more! On the same day as the rocket launch, China also announced plans to send two rockets to the moon by 2030. That’s not too far away! One of the rockets will carry a spacecraft that will land on the moon’s surface, and the other one will transport brave astronauts. Both rockets will orbit the moon, and the astronauts will dock their spacecraft with the lunar lander.
  • Once they’re on the moon, the Chinese astronauts will conduct all sorts of scientific experiments and collect samples. They’ll be like real-life space scientists! When they’re done, the lander will bring them back to the spacecraft, and then they’ll return to Earth. It’s like a lunar adventure!
  • You know, this is a big deal for China because they’ve been working hard to develop a powerful rocket that can carry astronauts and a moon lander. They’ve overcome a big technological challenge, and now they’re making big strides in space exploration.
  • Not only is the methane-liquid oxygen rocket less polluting, safer, and cheaper, but it’s also a step towards reusable rockets. Imagine rockets that can be refuelled and used again and again! It’s like having a space taxi that never runs out of gas.
  • China has been investing in the commercial space industry since 2014, and companies like LandSpace have been popping up. They’re full of excitement and enthusiasm for space exploration. LandSpace isn’t the only Chinese company making waves though. Beijing Tianbing Technology launched a different kind of rocket earlier this year. They used kerosene and oxygen as fuel, and it was another step towards reusable rockets.
  • So, my little space adventurer, China is making great progress in space exploration with its methane-powered rocket. They’re zooming ahead in the race against the United States. Who knows what amazing discoveries and adventures await us in the future? The universe is full of wonders, and China is reaching for the stars!

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